Milton Congregational Church: Jubilee Souvenir (1931)



A downloadable PDF version of Milton Congregational Church’s 1931 Jubilee Souvenir booklet.

The PDF was prepared from an original copy and the text can be searched.

Please note that this book can also be read online for free. However, if you would like to show your support for the Huddersfield Exposed web site and enable us to continue digitising historic material, all of the income will be used to help secure more items. Whenever possible, the items will then be donated to one of the local public archives so that they are preserved for future generations.

The PDF contains 56 pages and has a file size of 32MB.


It is believed that this work is in the Public Domain. The Huddersfield Exposed web site asserts no copyright over this digitised version of the book and it is released under a CC0 Public Domain Dedication. Once you have purchased and downloaded the PDF, you are free to do anything you want with it. However, we would respectfully request that if you make the PDF available elsewhere, please do not remove or alter the cover sheet and/or PDF metadata properties.